Quilt Shop
January Newsletter
114 N. Otsego Ave.Gaylord, MI 49735 - 989-732-1252 - www.delphinesquiltshop.com/

The Demo Daze Event is Back! On Friday January 19th and Saturday January 20th Delphine's will be partnering with Hearts to Holly Quilt Shop of Charlevoix, The Quilt House of Indian River and Cousin's of Bellaire to bring you a fun shopping experience. Each shop will be showcasing new products and techniques plus offering a variety of discounts on shop items. There will be a drawing at each shop for a $25.00 gift certificate or a $25.00 basket from that shop in addition to a Grand Prize of a Janome 3160QC-B sewing machine. You must visit all 4 shops to be in the drawing for the machine but there is no charge to participcate.
The Quilt House - 10am to 5pm - Friday, 10 am to 2 pm Saturday
Cousin's - 10am to 5 pm Friday, 10am to 3 pm on Saturday
Hearts to Holly - 10am to 5 Friday, 10am to 4 pm on Saturday
Delphine's - 10am to 6pm both days
2 LOG HOUSE RETREATS still have space and we want you to join us!
Delphine and AnnMarie will once again be hosting The Log House Quilter's Retreats this winter. The Retreats being held from Feb 14-18, and Feb 28-March 4 have openings. The cost is $275 and includes all your meals from Wednesday dinner to Sunday lunch. The Log House can hold 12 quilters and we are the only ones there, so you can stay in your pajamas all day if you wish to do so. No cooking or cleaning is allowed so you can devote yourself to sewing. The Log House is located approx. 15 minutes from the Delphine's, and is easy to find.
Go to https://www.delphinesquiltshop.com/newsletter.htm if your email server doesn't show this newsletter in its entirety.
Clubs at Delphines

Thursday, January 18
This group meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month to work on quilts that are donated to veterans and current servicemen. So far, forty-plus quilts have been given away! All fabrics, patterns and battings are provided by Delphine’s and donations.
Upcoming Classes
Skill Builder Sampler for Beginners - Starting Saturday, January 27, 2018 - 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
This 5 session class has been designed to help you become a confident quilter. The 6 blocks have been designed to add skills each week. Vicki will cover all the skills needed for this quilt as well as many more in your future! These traditional blocks are set with connecting blocks. A sewing machine and basic knowledge on how to use it is needed for this class. The other meeting dates will be February 3rd, 17th, 24th and March 3rd.
Teacher - Vicki Holloway
Cost - $50.00 plus supplies
Improv Piecing - Saturday, March 3rd - 1:30pm to 4:30pm
This class will be an introduction to improvisationally pieced blocks. Vicki will guide you in making 3 types of blocks without a pattern! In addition Vicki will address the decision making needed during the process of designing your very own "improv" blocks.
Teacher - Vicki Holloway
Cost - $15.00 plus supplies
Prices are per month (shipping is extra) for the duration of the program. No cancellations will be allowed and you must sign up with a credit card. After the initial deposit, your card will not be charged until the fabric is
shipped out to you each month.

Floral Menagerie is a fun, bright quilt made with simply pieced blocks and easily appliqued animals. In our Floral Menagerie Block of the Month Program, you will receive instructions and fabric to make a 24" block each month for 12 months. As usual, we are using all of the designer specified fabrics for the top and the binding. The finished size of the quilt will be 72" x 96".
The program began in November but there is one opening. The fabrics are cut and ready to go. Cost is $17.99 per month and covers all of the fabric for the top including the binding, and the pattern.

The "Graphic Gems" 9 month program from Marcus Textiles will be starting in March, 2018. We will be using the Lapis & Emerald colorway for this 76" x 87" quilt. The cost for this all batik project is $28.99 per month and includes all the fabric for the top, the binding and the pattern.
Recipe of the Month
Kusherie (this makes a LOT…but I could eat it every day)
2 T olive oil
1 ¼ cups dry lentils
4 cups boiling water, divided
1 tsp salt
A few grinds of black pepper
1 ½ cups brown rice
6 oz. tomato paste
28 oz. crushed tomatoes
¾ cup chopped celery leaves
1 green pepper, chopped
1 TBSP sugar
1 tsp. ground cumin
3 onions, sliced
6 cloves garlic, minced
2 TBSP olive oil
8 oz plain yogurt
Rinse the lentils and dry them by shaking in a dry skillet over medium heat. Brown the lentils in 2 TBSP olive oil in a LARGE skillet until nicely browned, 5 – 10 minutes. Very carefully pour in 3 cups boiling water. (It will want to spatter, so keep a lid handy)
Cook, uncovered, for 10 minutes. Add the rice and remaining cup of boiling water, salt and pepper. Cover, reduce heat to simmer, and DO NOT PEEK OR STIR for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. Combine tomato paste, crushed tomatoes, sugar, celery leaves, green pepper, and cumin in a 2 quart saucepot over medium/low heat. Cover and simmer while lentils and rice cook. Stir the sauce occasionally.
While those pots simmer, saute the onions and garlic in 1 TBSP olive oil until the onions are soft and beginning to caramelize.
If all goes well, everything will be done at the same time! To serve, make a bed of lentils and rice on each plate, top with sauce, smother it with onions, and a finish it with dollop of yogurt.