Quilt Shop
February Newsletter
114 N. Otsego Ave.Gaylord, MI 49735 - 989-732-1252 - www.delphinesquiltshop.com/

Join us at a LOG HOUSE RETREATThe Retreats are in full swing and so many quilts are being sewn that it makes my head swim. The retreats being held from Feb 14-18, and Feb 28-March 4 have openings and we invite you to join us. Do you need a break from making meals and cleaning the house while working on your latest sewing project? Would you like to be inspired by fellow quilters while eating home made meals? This is the retreat for you! The cost is $275 and includes all your meals from Wednesday dinner to Sunday lunch. The Log House can hold 12 quilters and we are the only ones there, so you can stay in your pajamas all day if you wish to do so. No cooking or cleaning is allowed so you can devote yourself to sewing. The Log House is located approx. 15 minutes from the Delphine's, and is easy to find.
Delphine's is hosting a Book Signing for AnnMarie Rowland who has just published her own cookbook. It is called The Apologetic Chef and contains down to earth, easy to follow, recipes that have been favorites at the Log House and elsewhere for years. The cost of the cookbook is $15.00 and they can be purchased at Delphine's or by going to www.annmarierowland.com
The date is the signing is Tuesday the 19th of February. The event will be held from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Some of you may know that AnnMarie is also a published vocal artist so there will also be a mini concert! There is no fee to attend this event so ask a friend and come out for a fun evening of music & good food (samples from the book, of course).
The Love your Customer Daze Event is over and Mary Hoadley has won herself a great Janome sewing machine. Gift certificates were won by Bill Crawford, Sally Nowak and Donna Campbell.
Go to https://www.delphinesquiltshop.com/newsletter.htm if your email server doesn't show this newsletter in its entirety.
Clubs at Delphine's

Thursday, February 15
This group meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month to work on quilts that are donated to veterans and current servicemen. So far, forty-plus quilts have been given away! All fabrics, patterns and battings are provided by Delphine’s and donations.
Upcoming Classes
Skill Builder Sampler for Beginners - This class is full and has already begun meeting. Here are the dates for those students already attending. Saturday, January 27, February 3rd, 17th, 24th and March 3rd from 10:30am to 12:30pm. The teacher is Vicki Holloway
Improv Piecing - Saturday, March 3rd - 1:30pm to 4:30pm
This class will be an introduction to improvisationally pieced blocks. Vicki will guide you in making 3 types of blocks without a pattern! In addition Vicki will address the decision making needed during the process of designing your very own "improv" blocks.
Teacher - Vicki Holloway
Cost - $15.00 plus supplies
Prices are per month (shipping is extra) for the duration of the program. No cancellations will be allowed and you must sign up with a credit card. After the initial deposit, your card will not be charged until the fabric is
shipped out to you each month.
Floral Menagerie from In the Beginning Fabrics
Floral Menagerie is a fun, bright quilt made with simply pieced blocks and easily appliqued animals. In our Floral Menagerie Block of the Month Program, you will receive instructions and fabric to make a 24" block each month for 12 months. As usual, we are using all of the designer specified fabrics for the top and the binding. The finished size of the quilt will be 72" x 96".
The program began in November but there is one opening. The fabrics are cut and ready to go. Cost is $17.99 per month and covers all of the fabric for the top including the binding, and the pattern.
Graphic Gems by Sarah Maxwell and Marcus Fabrics
The "Graphic Gems" 9 month program from Marcus Textiles will be starting in March, 2018. We will be using the Lapis & Emerald colorway for this 76" x 87" quilt. The cost for this all batik project is $28.99 per month and includes all the fabric for the top, the binding and the pattern.
Recipe of the Month
Ann's Bran Muffins from The Log House Retreat & The Apologetic Chef Cookbook
2 c. all bran cereal
1 1/4 c. milk
1/4 c. oil or melted butter
1 egg
1 1/4 c. all-purpose flour
1/2 c. packed brown sugar
1 T. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Prepare a muffin tin either by lining with paper muffin cups or greasing lightly with shortening or use the non-stick spray stuff. Combine the All Bran and milk in a bowl and let it sit for a while until it's all soft and mushy. Add the egg, sugar, and the oil or butter. Beat well, using a rubber scraper. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder and salt. Add all at once and stir to combine. Divide the batter between the muffin cups and bake for about 20 minutes, or until golden brown.