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Quilt Shop
January 2020 News from Delphine's Quilt Shop, LC
Delphine's Quilt Shop, LC
“Piecing the past and the present into the heirlooms of tomorrow!"
114 N. Otsego Ave.Gaylord, MI 49735 - 989-732-1252
January 2020 & Happy New Year
Log House Retreats 2020

Would you like some time devoted to sewing?
We have openings in 1 of our 5 Quilt Retreats that will be held at The Log House in Gaylord. There are 5 spaces open in Retreat #1 - February 26 to March 1. If you need a winter getaway to work on your quilt projects with no cooking or cleaning this is for you! Only 12 retreaters attend each retreat at a house with 4 full bathrooms and 5 bedrooms. The main floor living room is converted into a sewing space, leaving the downstairs living room available for laying our quilt tops, quiet time or watching TV.
The cost is $325 per person and includes all your meals from Wednesday dinner to Sunday lunch.
Call us at 989-732-1252 to sign up today.
Quilts of Valor Sew Day 2020
The National Quilts of Valor Program encourages shops to host a Sew Day, once a year, for the purpose of making QOV quilts. Perhaps coming in on Thursdays doesn't work for you but you would like to help us make some quilts so Delphine's and the Patriotic Quilters are hosting a Sew Day at the shop, on Saturday, February 1st. We will provide all the fabrics, you just need to provide the sewing machine and sewing supplies. The hours will be from 10am to 4pm and you are welcome to attend all day or just a few hours. Lunch will be served at 12:30 plus there will be door prizes!
Please call the shop at 989-732-1252 to register for this day.
Just Sew With Us
Go to www.delphinesquiltshop.com/newsletter.htm if your email server doesn't show this newsletter in its entirety.
January 2020 & Happy New Year
Log House Retreats 2020

Would you like some time devoted to sewing?
We have openings in 1 of our 5 Quilt Retreats that will be held at The Log House in Gaylord. There are 5 spaces open in Retreat #1 - February 26 to March 1. If you need a winter getaway to work on your quilt projects with no cooking or cleaning this is for you! Only 12 retreaters attend each retreat at a house with 4 full bathrooms and 5 bedrooms. The main floor living room is converted into a sewing space, leaving the downstairs living room available for laying our quilt tops, quiet time or watching TV.
The cost is $325 per person and includes all your meals from Wednesday dinner to Sunday lunch.
Call us at 989-732-1252 to sign up today.
Quilts of Valor Sew Day 2020
The National Quilts of Valor Program encourages shops to host a Sew Day, once a year, for the purpose of making QOV quilts. Perhaps coming in on Thursdays doesn't work for you but you would like to help us make some quilts so Delphine's and the Patriotic Quilters are hosting a Sew Day at the shop, on Saturday, February 1st. We will provide all the fabrics, you just need to provide the sewing machine and sewing supplies. The hours will be from 10am to 4pm and you are welcome to attend all day or just a few hours. Lunch will be served at 12:30 plus there will be door prizes!
Please call the shop at 989-732-1252 to register for this day.
Sew Days at Delphine's
All are welcome to join us for just one day or come on a regular basis. You can bring your own lunch, or treat yourself to a lunch from one of the restaurants within walking distance.
Just Sew With Us
Mondays - January 6, 13, 20, 27
Whether you are a beginner or an accomplished quilt maker, working by hand or by machine, you are welcome to bring your projects and sew with us.
Comfort Quilters
The 2nd Thursday - January 9
The 2nd Thursday - January 9
This group meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month. They work on lap quilts of no particular theme that are donated to veterans through the Otsego County Veterans Affairs Office. We have fabrics and batting to use or you can bring your own. Volunteers who want to work from home are welcome and can be supplied with kits. This group will take donations of lap quilts or lap sized quilt tops if you happen to have any to share.
Patriotic Quilters of Gaylord
3rd Thursday - January 16
New members are always welcome to this patriotic group of quilters! This group meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month to work on quilts that are resented to veterans and current servicemen. So far, 100+ quilts have been given away!
We continue to have a need for long arm quilters, so if you haven't offered to quilt a top but would like to, we can still use quilters. Please contact the shop at 989-732-1252 if you are able to help.
We can also use folks to sew on binding and do piecework. You can meet with the groups on their Sewing Days or work from home.
Circa 1880 Club
Saturday - January 11
10:30am to Noon
WOOL Workers Club
1st Thursday - January 2
10:30am to 3pm
Do you like to work with Wool? Whether you are a novice or advanced in your wool working skills you are invited to join others of like mind. Share your love of wool work with others and be inspired.
Beginner Quilting Class with Jen
This class is tailored for a beginner quilter. Jen will walk you through the process of picking out fabrics, cutting fabric, piecing blocks and adding borders. In this 6 week class you will complete the top of a small baby-size quilt or wall hanging. Basic machine knowledge recommended.
Friday's - February 28, March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3
10:30am to 12:30pm
Cost of class is $60.00
Recipe of the Month
Chicken Kijiyaki - 1 serving
Kijiaki refers to a traditional way of cooking bland foods such as chicken or tofu so that they supposedly mimic the taste of blue pheasant. The cooking method is basically
the same as for teriyaki.
4 oz boneless chicken thigh with skin
1 Tbsp mirin
1 Tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
shichimi pepper to taste
Pierce the chicken all over on the skin side with a fork. This helps the meat to lay flat in the pan and cook evenly.
Place a dry nonstick frying pan over high heat and put in the chicken, skin side down. Fry until the skin is brown and crispy, pressing down on the chicken occasionally with a spatula. Turn the chicken over an cook until done - it's done when you poke the middle with the tip of a knife and the juice run clear. Remove the chicken from the pan and wipe the pan clean with a paper towel.
Put the mirin, soy sauce, and sugar in the pan over medium-high heat, and stir until the sugar is melted. When the sauce is bubbling, return the chicken to the pan, and coat it with the sauce on both sides. Remove from the pan to a plate.
This chicken tastes esp. good cut up and mixed with sauteed sweet bell peppers, sauteed onions and rice.
The chicken preparation portion of the recipe is from The Just Bento Cookbook)
3rd Thursday - January 16
New members are always welcome to this patriotic group of quilters! This group meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month to work on quilts that are resented to veterans and current servicemen. So far, 100+ quilts have been given away!
We continue to have a need for long arm quilters, so if you haven't offered to quilt a top but would like to, we can still use quilters. Please contact the shop at 989-732-1252 if you are able to help.
We can also use folks to sew on binding and do piecework. You can meet with the groups on their Sewing Days or work from home.
Circa 1880 Club
Saturday - January 11
10:30am to Noon
WOOL Workers Club
1st Thursday - January 2
10:30am to 3pm
Do you like to work with Wool? Whether you are a novice or advanced in your wool working skills you are invited to join others of like mind. Share your love of wool work with others and be inspired.
Beginner Quilting Class with Jen
This class is tailored for a beginner quilter. Jen will walk you through the process of picking out fabrics, cutting fabric, piecing blocks and adding borders. In this 6 week class you will complete the top of a small baby-size quilt or wall hanging. Basic machine knowledge recommended.
Friday's - February 28, March 6, 13, 20, 27 and April 3
10:30am to 12:30pm
Cost of class is $60.00
Recipe of the Month
Chicken Kijiyaki - 1 serving
Kijiaki refers to a traditional way of cooking bland foods such as chicken or tofu so that they supposedly mimic the taste of blue pheasant. The cooking method is basically
the same as for teriyaki.
4 oz boneless chicken thigh with skin
1 Tbsp mirin
1 Tbsp soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
shichimi pepper to taste
Pierce the chicken all over on the skin side with a fork. This helps the meat to lay flat in the pan and cook evenly.
Place a dry nonstick frying pan over high heat and put in the chicken, skin side down. Fry until the skin is brown and crispy, pressing down on the chicken occasionally with a spatula. Turn the chicken over an cook until done - it's done when you poke the middle with the tip of a knife and the juice run clear. Remove the chicken from the pan and wipe the pan clean with a paper towel.
Put the mirin, soy sauce, and sugar in the pan over medium-high heat, and stir until the sugar is melted. When the sauce is bubbling, return the chicken to the pan, and coat it with the sauce on both sides. Remove from the pan to a plate.
This chicken tastes esp. good cut up and mixed with sauteed sweet bell peppers, sauteed onions and rice.
The chicken preparation portion of the recipe is from The Just Bento Cookbook)
Go to www.delphinesquiltshop.com/newsletter.htm if your email server doesn't show this newsletter in its entirety.