Quilt Shop
Re-Opening May 22, 2020 - Delphine's Quilt Shop, LC
114 N. Otsego Ave. Gaylord, MI 49735
We re-open this Friday, the 22nd of May! It's exciting and intimidating at the same time.
Our hours will be 10am to 4pm on Friday and 10am to 3pm on Saturday. On Memorial Day we will be open from 11am to 2pm. If you prefer curbside service, it will continue to be available. The web-site is open 24/7 and offers Free Shipping on orders over $25.00.
We have been very busy, preparing the shop to re-open, within the guidelines required since the governor made her announcement about re-opening Northern lower Michigan and the U.P.. Some shop fixtures have been re-arranged to help maintain social distancing guidelines which means things look different! I'd like to think it's all an improvement! Face masks are required to shop in the store plus sanitizer will be provided to everyone entering the store. The cutting and register areas will have clear barriers for your protection while having fabric cut and rung up. Until we figure out the new normal the bathrooms will be closed.
Cash, checks and cards will be accepted for payment.
Please check out our Facebook page for posts about new samples and collections. www.facebook.com/DelphinesQuiltShop
Clubs and Meetings at Delphine's
The classroom has been re-arranged to allow 9 people to sew with 6 feet of social distancing between them! The rest of the room was condensed in a way that actually seems roomier. Once the stay at home order is lifted, we hope to hear the hmm of machines and the laughter of conversation again.