Quilt Shop
Mid-August 2020 News - Delphine's Quilt Shop, LC
114 N. Otsego Ave. Gaylord, MI 49735
HOURS: 10am to 5pm Monday thru Friday and 10am to 3pm Saturday
If you are unable to wear a mask for medical reasons or are uncomfortable shopping, even with a mask, due to health concerns we are offering Shopping by Appointment! There are 2 times available on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from 9am to 9:45 am or 5pm to 5:45 pm where you can come in and be the solo shopper with Delphine to assist you. Please call the shop 24 hours in advance in make your reservation.
The website is open 24/7 and offers Free Shipping on orders over $25.00.
Face Masks are required in the store and
Hand Sanitizer is available to everyone entering.
Please check out our Facebook page for posts about new samples and collections. www.facebook.com/DelphinesQuiltShop
Aaron Lee from A & K Sewing and Machine Repair LLC of Grayling will be at the shop from 10am to 5pm on Tuesday, August 18th. He will be cleaning and lubricating sewing machines, of all makes and age, for $60.00 per machine. If your machine needs a repair he will have to take it back to the workshop but will return it to the shop for you to pick up at a later date. WE HAVE ONLY 3 OPENINGS LEFT!
Appointments must be made in advance by calling the shop at 989-732-1252! Call today for this great opportunity to get your machine worked on while you shop. All of Aaron's customer will receive a Coupon, from the shop, for $5.00 off a purchase of $25.00 or more that day!
EDGE-G is a Scissor sharpening service (14 years) located in Gaylord. We just had 3 pairs of Gingher shears sharpened by Glen and are delighted with the improvement made to them. If you have scissors that need sharpening you can drop them off at the shop and we will arrange to have them sharpened and returned to the shop for you to pick up.
Meetings and Clubs
The classroom has been rearranged to allow 8 people to sew with 6 feet of social distancing between them, as required by the state of Michigan. So, we invite you to return to your favorite sew day at the shop! Please call ahead to confirm you will be attending so we can stay under 8 people per gathering.
All are welcome to join us for just one day or come on a regular basis. You can bring your own lunch or treat yourself to a lunch from one of the restaurants within walking distance.
Just Sew With Us
Whether you are a beginner or an accomplished quilt maker, working by hand or by machine, you are welcome to bring your projects and sew with us.
Comfort Quilters
The 2nd Thursday - 13th
This group meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month. They work on lap quilts of no particular theme that are donated to veterans through the Otsego County Veterans Affairs Office. We have fabrics and batting to use, or you can bring your own. Volunteers who want to work from home are welcome and can be supplied with kits. This group will take donations of lap quilts or lap sized quilt tops if you happen to have any to share.
Patriotic Quilters of Gaylord
3rd Thursday - 20th
New members are always welcome to this patriotic group of quilters! This group meets on the 3rd Thursday of each month to work on quilts that are presented to veterans and current servicemen. So far, 100+ quilts have been given away!
We continue to have a need for long arm quilters, so if you haven't offered to quilt a top but would like to, we can still use quilters. Please contact the shop at 989-732-1252 if you are able to help.
We can also use folks to sew on binding and do piecework. You can meet with the groups on their Sewing Days or work from home
WOOL Workers Club
1st Thursday - 6th
10:30am to 3pm
Do you like to work with Wool? Whether you are a novice or advanced in your wool working skills, you are invited to join others of like mind. Share your love of wool work with others and be inspired.
Jen Kingwell Club (Hand piecing)
Do you like to sew by hand vs machine? Do you use templates instead of a rotary cutter for some projects, Perhaps you like English Paper Piecing? This club was designed for you. You do not need to work on a Jen Kingwell quilt pattern to be included. The first group project is a Jen Kingwell quilt top but not everyone is working on that particular project.
3rd Wednesday - 19th
10:30am to 1pm
Need Masks or Mask Supplies? We have both!
3 Spaces Left!
The Stargazing quilt top pattern by Krisanne Watkins of Quail Valley Quilt measures 92" square. This BOM was originally introduced in 2019 using New Aged Muslins by Marcus Textiles but we decided to wait and do it in P&B Suede plus a few Maywood Shadowplay's. This will be a 6 month program at the cost of $37.98 ($18.99 x 2) per month. There are 12 star blocks, sashing blocks and pieced cornerstones which combine to make a great design. The directions are easy to follow and color coded through out.
The 3rd Saturday, of each month, has been set aside for a short meeting to pick up the blocks, discuss the construction techniques for the month in addition to give-aways and drawings. Shipping is only $5.00 per month for those who cannot attend the meetings to pick up their packets.
The shop sample is not together, just yet, but Delphine has it cut out and is busy piecing it. The pictures below show the colors we are using, which are similar to the original programs.
Recipe of the Month
Chocolate Raspberry Pavola by Nigella Lawson
Meringue Base:
6 large egg whites
2 cups superfine (regular sugar did work for me)
3 Tbsps unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted
1 tsp balsamic or red wine vinegar (you won't even taste it, but you need it)
2 ozs dark chocolate, finely chopped
2 cups heavy cream (this is delicious even without the cream)
4 cups raspberries
1 to 2 ounces dark chocolate
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and line a baking sheet with parchment. Draw a 9-inch diameter circle on the paper with a pencil. Flip the paper over so your meringue doesn't touch the pencil marks - you'll still be able to see the circle.
Make the meringue: Beat the egg whites with a mixer until satiny peaks form, and then beat in the sugar a spoonful at a time until the meringue is stiff and shiny.
Add the chocolate: Sprinkle the cocoa, vinegar and then the chopped chocolate over the egg whites. Gently fold everything with a rubber spatula until the cocoa is thoroughly mixed in.
Shape the meringue: Secure the parchment to the baking sheet with a dab of meringue under each corner. Mound the meringue onto the parchment within the circle, smoothing the sides and the top with a spatula.
Bake the meringue: Place in the oven, then immediately turn the temperature down to 300 degrees F and cook for one to one and a quarter hours. When it's ready, it should look crisp and dry on top, but when you prod the center you should feel the promise of squidginess beneath your fingers.
Let it cool: Turn off the oven and open the door slightly; let the chocolate meringue disk cool completely in the oven. When you are ready to serve, invert onto a big plate and peel off the parchment (I was able to slide my disk onto my plate)
Decorate the Pavola: Whisk the cream till thick but still soft and pile it on to the meringue, then scatter the raspberries on top. Coarsely grate the chocolate over the top that you get curls of chocolate rather than rubble,as you don't want the raspberries' luscious color and form to be obscured. (I made a raspberry sauce from 1 quart of fresh berries, 1Tbsp of lemon juice and a 1/4 cup of sugar. Combine the sauce items in a pan and heat for 3 to 7 minutes. Remove from the heat and press the sauce through a fine mesh strainer to remove the seeds.)
Go to www.delphinesquiltshop.com/newsletter.htm if your email server doesn't show this newsletter in its entirety.