Quilt Shop
October 2021 - Delphine's Quilt Shop, LC

114 N. Otsego Ave. Gaylord, MI 49735
Welcome to the October 2021 Newsletter from Delphine's

It's hard to believe that 13 years have passed since we opened our doors to serve the quilting and sewing community! Thank you for making us a destination shop in lower Northern Michigan!
To Celebrate and Thank you, we are holding our Best Ever Sale in the Shop and on the Web Site! Due to the ongoing issues with covid-19 we will not have gifts, demos or treats just
20% off the entire Shop and Web Site!
The sale will run for 4 days from October 6th to the 9th, instead of just 2 days! The web site is open 24 hours, of course and the shop will be open it's normal hours, 10am to 5pm on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and 10am to 3pm on Saturday.
Minimum 1/2 yard cuts will apply online and in the shop plus shipping will apply to online orders.
Our extra wide section continues to grow. We recently added a blue and a tan Stonehenge flannel from Northcott, a digitally printed Medallion print from the Venice collection by Robert Kaufman and a pink and purple batik from Northcott.

Free Motion Quilting Class with Delphine
Cost is $15.00 per person
Wednesday, October 13 from 1-4pm
Delphine has been free motion quilting quilts of all sizes for over 20 years. Sign up for this class and give you hands and machine a try to the various steps involved with this technique.
Class size is limited to 6 people
Intermediate Foundation Paper Piecing with Jen
Cost is $30.00 per person
This is a 3-Session class: October 27th, November 3rd and November 17th
10:30am to 12:30pm
Class size is limited to 5 people
If you loved making the Log Cabin blocks with foundation piecing and are ready to try the next step with something a little more challenging, then check out this Blazing Star Class with Jen. This is a 3-session class in order to break down the process into manageable steps with time in between classes so you can finish up the steps at home if needed. Pattern required.
Some of the Future Groups that Delphine's has on order!
The Journey Home will be arriving soon from Northcott, Pressed Flowers, (purple quilt pictured) is not expected until March and Farm to Table from Robert Kaufman (pictured as a Fat Quarter bundle) is due in November.
In light of the recent traumatic events that have unfolded at former Residential Schools across Canada, Karen Erickson created 'Every Child Matters' out of reverence to those grieving. This painting depicts two siblings who were finally set free after being grimly discovered at a Residential School.
The children who are shown holding hands were torn apart from each other, but now reunited as they make their way back home. Karen included beautiful imagery such as a moon and feathers to represent the First Nations, Inuit and Metis people joining together to guide the two siblings home.
Northcott is donating 100% of the net proceeds from the sales of the panel to the Indian Residential School Survivors Society and the Orange Shirt Society. For more information on these charities, please visit www.irsss.ca and www.orangeshirtday.org
Sewing Machine Cleaning / Scissor Sharpening Clinic - Friday, October 22nd
Does your sewing machine need a tune up or do you have scissors that need sharpening? Aaron will be here on Friday, October 22nd to do both! Appointments are needed for machine cleaning but scissors can be dropped off and picked up later that day or another day. The cost for the cleaning is $65.00 and the price for scissors is dependent on their size. Give us a call at 989-732-1252 to reserve your spot today.
Sewing Groups at the Shop
We welcome you to come back or attend a meeting for the first time.
Mondays: October 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th
10am to 4pm
WOOL Workers Club - Join fellow sewists who enjoy the feel of wool, share your knowledge or pick up new ideas. Beginners to advanced wool workers are welcome.
1st Thursday - October 7th
10:30am to 1pm
Comfort Quilters - Lap quilts are made to give primarily to the local Veterans Affair Office for distribution to veterans of northern lower Michigan.
2nd Thursday - October 14th
10:30am to 4pm
Hand Work Day - Whether you knit, sew, embroider or make things with another hand work technique consider coming in this day to meet with other like minded folks.
3rd Tuesday - October 19th - NEW Day
10:00am to 12:30pm
Patriotic Quilters of Gaylord - This group has made 225+ twin sized quilts to distribute as QOV quilts to local veterans who are presented them at the monthly meetings. A big Thank You goes out to the long arm quilters who provide the quilting.
3rd Thursday - October 21st
10:30am to 4pm
Recipe of the Month - Delphine recently made this with blackberries from her yard and blueberries that were picked at UpNorth Blueberry Patch. Next time it will be raspberries!
Berry Cobbler
1 quart berries (fresh or frozen)
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
2 tablespoons lemon
1/2 teaspoons cinnamon
Place berries and other ingredients into a heavy pan and heat, on medium, to a steady simmer.
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
Mix the above ingredients together and place in a food processor with 6 tablespoons unsalted cold butter. Process until the mixture resembles coarse sand and transfer to a bowl.
1/2 cup milk
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Whisk the liquid ingredients together and stir into the flour mixture. It will be stiff.
Turn the heat on the berries down to low. Carefully drop dough, 1 tablespoon at a time, into the hot berry mixture, covering the surface. Place lid on and simmer on low for 10 to 12 minutes. Open lid and sprinkle 1 tablespoon sugar mixed with 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon over the top. Let cool slightly and scoop all the way to the bottom of the pan to serve. Whipped cream or ice cream is great but not needed.
Please check out our Facebook page for posts about new samples and collections. www.facebook.com/DelphinesQuiltShop
Scissor Sharpening by Edge-G of Gaylord. Glen has many years of experience sharpening scissors. You can drop them off at the shop to be serviced. The fee is generally $5.00 a pair.
Have your Sewing Machine serviced and/or repaired by Aaron Lee of A & K Sewing from Grayling. He also has many years of experience at his trade. The cost of a cleaning is $65.00. Aaron can be reached at 517-260-7331. Aaron also sharpens scissors now! For an additional fee of $30 you can arrange a pick up and drop off of your machine at Delphine's OR you can drop the machine off to him at no additional charge.
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show this newsletter in its entirety.