Map to Compass Star Quilt Shop
A Destination
Quilt Shop
Quilt Shop
January 2022 - Hours, Classes, Events......

Piecing the past and the present into the heirlooms of tomorrow!"
114 N. Otsego Ave.Gaylord, MI 49735 - 989-732-1252
10am to 5pm Monday - Friday
10am to 3pm Saturday
10am to 5pm Monday - Friday
10am to 3pm Saturday

We will be closing at 3pm on New Year's Eve and
will be closed all day on New Year's Day.
The website is available 24/7 so you can still purchase Holiday fabrics
& Holiday items plus All Metallic fabrics until 11:45pm on January 2nd!
100 Day Project
Would you like to start the year 2022 with a new zero cost project? How about one with Gaylann Rowe-Brown as your leader?
We will meet on Saturday, January 8th at 10:30am to get started and there is no fee to attend.
In 2006, Michael Beirut, a Yale graphic design professor assigned his students a design operation to repeat every day for 100 days. From this beginning, the 100 Day Project has expanded to several countries and many disciplines. 100 Days of a Passion for Wool (my first project completed in 2020) will be displayed and discussed as well as an extensive list of options for people who are ‘into’ quilting, embroidery and other fiber arts. This is a process over product adventure, the perfect way to PLAY with a media (no right or wrong just exploration) and find out a lot about yourself in the process.

Classes in January
Wednesday, January 12th from 1:30pm to 5:00 pm
Mini Brick Road Table Runner by Atkinson Designs
Jen will instruct you in making this quick table runner from 5" squares
and you should leave class with a quilted runner!
Class cost - $15.00 plus supplies

Saturday, January 22nd from 11am to 3pm
Saturday Sew Day - Project Bags
Jen is sharing her own pattern to make these adorable and practical project bags.
Class cost - $20.00 plus supplies

Wednesdays, January 26th, February 9th & 23rd, March 9th - from 10:30am to 12:30pm
Beginner Class with Jen
Interested in learning how to quilt? Look no further! Join Jen as she teaches you some basic quilting knowledge and skills and make this baby-size quilt. The class meets every other week on Wednesdays, (a total of 4 sessions), where you will learn to cut your material, sew with a quarter inch seam, and learn some basic skills you can use to help introduce you to the quilting world.
Class cost - $45.00 plus supplies

Wednesday, January 26th from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
Pineapple Foundation Piecing with Jen
Learn the basics and pick up tips on making easy Pineapple blocks with the Top Piecing Method of paper piecing which does not require you to flip and sew!
Class cost - $10.00 plus supplies

Wednesday, February 2nd & 23rd from 1:30 to 3:30
One Block Wonder Panel Quilts
Delphine was making one block wonder blocks before they had a name and is delighted to help you make your own! 7 panels will be used to make an unique quilt top.
Class cost - $35.00 plus supplies

New Collections to start 2022 with!

Windy Days by Tilda has arrived and will be ready to purchase in early January.
La Vie Boheme by Moda is also here and will be ready to purchase in early January.